Hair Metabolic System (HMS) or Mineralogram
+ Orthomolecular Advice

Orthomolecular Medicine, according to its creator Linus Pauling, consists of providing each person with the optimal concentration of natural substances that are present in their body with the purpose of correcting alterations and maintaining good health.

How to know if you need Orthomolecular advice?

  • You feel like you lack energy

  • You want to look beyond the symptoms and find the cause of health problems.

  • You want to find a new lifestyle that suits you and is easy to maintain.

  • You are looking for a change in your life and health in a positive way, but you think you need support to do so.

If you feel identified with one or some of these situations, then this personalized advice on investing in your health that you need. Of course, it requires a commitment on your part. Therefore, if you doubt your own motivation, it is better to defer hiring this advice for another time.

The HMS (Hair Metabolic System) or Mineralogram is a laboratory test that analyzes the mineral content of your cells. This information allows us to know your metabolic state and provides the keys to rebalance it in a personalized way.

It has an essential role in being able to make the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle so that you can recover or maintain your well-being. Blood and urine tests give results for that specific moment, but the HMS provides results that report what has happened in your body in the last 3-5 months.
What can you discover with this test?

  • Deficiencies and excesses of vitamins or minerals;

  • Intestinal and liver disorders;

  • Free radicals and toxic load;

  • Viral and bacterial load;

  • Pancreatic insufficiency;

  • Hormone balance.

When the hair is formed, before it protrudes through the scalp, the hair bulb receives nutrients through the blood and "traps" those larger red blood cells (which are the "oldest") from here and above. This organic matter in the hair bulb generates proteins (keratin) which is what gives the organic structure of the hair, taking this into account when we analyze the mineral content of the hair, this corresponds to the mineral content present in the red blood cells. This mineral content refers to both nutrient minerals (such as Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium,...) and heavy metals with toxic action (Mercury, Lead, Arsenic,...) that the body accumulates inside our cells.

This gives us a "snapshot" of the energy and stress patterns within the body over the past 2-5 months. It cannot be used to "diagnose" a specific condition, but it can show potential pathways to a disease state. Helps better understand your symptoms and provide a holistic approach to remedy deficiencies and toxicities.

Why do the Mineralogram?

Blood is homeostatic and always strives to stay in balance, even at the cost of other cell tissue concentrations, which can fluctuate from hour to hour. The fact that most of the blood, like the rest of the extracellular fluids, is subject to the laws of homeostasis, which aim to keep the elements that compose them in balance to favor an optimal environment for the health of our cells. Even at the expense of other concentrations of cellular tissues, which can fluctuate from one hour to another. And the fact that most of the minerals are intracellular means that they are not always found in the blood.

Our life habits often make it difficult to maintain that balance in the extracellular environment "homeostasis", in which case the organism uses the intracellular environment to accumulate possible excesses of nutrients or toxic minerals to guarantee balance in the extracellular environment.

For this reason, and especially with regard to mineral balance in the body, knowing the intracellular mineral content is much more important than knowing the extracellular mineral content. For the same reason, knowing the intracellular mineral content gives us very valuable information about how that person is adapting to the circumstances of his life.

For this reason, a blood or urine analysis will not normally show mineral imbalances, since if a mineral imbalance occurs in the extracellular environment, the person's situation is somewhat serious. Therefore, these tests, while useful, will not be as relevant to determining mineral status as an HMS.

Blood and urine tests give results at the time of testing, but HMS provides results that tell what has happened in your body in the last 3-5 months.

Why not just test blood or urine?

What do you get with this Advice?

  1. Forms and introductory conversation.

  2. An HMS (Hair Metabolic System) or Mineralogram in Spanish or English.

  3. A 45-minute face-to-face evaluation meeting at NutrElisa or an online meeting.

  4. Tailor-made advice based on your HMS, conversations and forms. This advice will be discussed with you in detail.

  5. Example of a personalized menu that speeds up your metabolism, being necessary to inform your blood group.

  6. Follow up.

Investment: HMS test and Orthomolecular advice 242 € incl. VAT


Measurements, findings, research and advice based on this HMS test are included in ‘nature-oriented medicine’. It is not diagnosed, prognosticated, nor are medical treatments aimed at a specific ailment carried out.